Who We Are
Meet the Change Makers
Kia and DJ are a power couple on the rise. Married July 13, 2019. They have three children. A set of twins Dez and Demire, and an Angel Baby LaSaaun Jarell. They have known each other since high school, being a part of the Touch of Class Choir. Traveling around the world, singing for many diplomatic officials, and performing on tours have been some of the best memories they share. They reconnected six years ago and have been building on their legacy ever since.

Our Approach
"Kind words and good emanation frequency; proven most beneficial in a medically. It can bring down the tone so not to riot stampede. It can reach to your soul and feel to your need. Some one can relate, bring an instant healing" Bring a Healing - Vaughn Benjamin (Midnite)
We bring healing to families who experienced the same pain we felt and want to offer support to fight mental health, depression, anxiety, and other issues preventing them from a healthy well-being. In San Francisco between 2007-2016 infant deaths were twice higher in the lower income neighborhoods versus the mid to higher neighborhoods. There are not enough services offered to these families and we want to break that barrier.
— Our Mission
LaSaaun Lives promotes stillbirth and infant loss awareness, holistic wellness resources and educational support for grieving parents who have experienced stillbirth and infant loss; to help regain overall mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing for families in San Francisco and throughout the Bay Area.
— Our Vision
Bring healing to every parent who experiences stillbirth and
infant loss by providing support services and resources to rebuild
their mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.